Upload File Hasfile Always False file-upload. Share improve this question. FileUpload.hasFile is always False-4. Send Bulk Email in VB.NET Reciepients Emails.

Hiren boot cd 10.4 download. hi all here the code then i will explain my question:-

Programmar The problem is that the HasFile flag is always returned false just make sure that page is not getting refreshed after you have selected the file and before you click the button to upload it. This would clear the file selection from fileupload control. Home / ASP.NET Forums / General ASP.NET / ASP.NET AJAX + Ajax Control Toolkit / fileupload.hasfile always false fileupload.hasfile always false [Answered] RSS 7 replies.

every time i track the code it says that (fileUpload.HasFile)=false and never sees the code after that, then jumps to the else statment and thats the rest of the code

3 Answers File Upload Has File Always False


Check if you'r using a UpdatePanel, if so then in Page.Init do something like this:


The reason why fileUpload.HasFiles = False is that by the time that code is reached, the file stream has been closed inside of the HandleUploadFile Subroutine.

'this using statement closes the original input stream and there removes it'from the FileUpload

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I think it might be that you write you file to the directory and in doing that it clears out the fileupload form. This is happening before you run your if statement. Try moving your if/else above the 'handleuploadedfile()' function. This should ensure that you can check the upload form before the system writes the file and removes it from the upload form.

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FileUpload.HasFile always returns false #2
Okay. I've seen the posts on this but the solutions offered don't remedy my problem. I have an FileUpload in a user control. I can get all the details from the user control (from textboxes); however, the FileUpload.HasFile always returns false. From searching the forums I saw that most problems have been due to using the FileUpload in an update panel. My FileUpload is not in an update panel. it was briefly but after reviewing other posts I took it out. It seems as though the page still thinks it is in an update panel but I have removed all references .
FileUpload HasFile always False
I have two forms for collecting user information. A quick form, and a long form. The quick form has a handfull of textboxes and a FileUpload control. The quickform is working perfectly. The long form on the other hand is built using a wizard control. On one of the steps I have another FileUpload control. I had trouble at first because the FileUpload control was nested in the wizard and needed to use wizard1.findcontrol to find it. When I use the FileUpload control to browse to a file on the long form, the code FileUpload1.H.
Web Form : Block the return button on the web form
Hello, I have a principal form with a list of information. From this form, I go on an edit forms and I want to control what is done on this form. For this, I want to block the button Windows back on my edit form. Somebody can help me ? Thank you for your help. Jy. set the Session Variable (with your ID or whatever ) in the Principal Form when user click on Edit then put the One Back Button on your edit form and Redirect the page by using the Session variable value.Please Mark as Answred If This Blog has Helped You.RegardsMitesh Darjihttp://www.indianic.comhttp://www.mitatdotnet.
FileUpload.HasFile is always False
Hi, I have a WebUserControl which has a FileUpload control. This control has some UI logic which hides/shows parts of the UserControl. The page which host this UC has an Ajax Update Panel. When I try to uplaod a file the FileUpload1.HasFile is always set to false! Any idea why? I have the viewstate set to true as well but no idea why this happens?! ThanksShuaib----------------------- Any postback will clear out any selected file. I'm not sure about partial postbacks, but full pbs, definitely. So, I'm assuming when your UC logic is executed, you're losing y.
fileupload.hasfile always false
hi i am using 3.5 framework . i have difficulties in the ajax upload as the fileupload.hasfile is always = false Please advice <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID='ContentPlaceHolder1' runat='Server'> <asp:UpdatePanel runat='server'> <ContentTemplate> <div> <asp:Label CssClass='Label' runat='server' Text='Attachments'></asp:Label> <asp:FileUpload/'>FileUpload HasFile returns false everytime.
Hi,I have a problem with a FileUpload control. When try to I upload a file with it, HasFile always yields false. I was using it within an AJAX UpdatePanel, tried to do a full postback by using a Trigger, tried putting it outside the UpdatePanel, and even removed all the AJAX controls, but HasFile still yields false all the time. Do you have any ideas what's wrong?Here is the original code I tried using (with all the AJAX Controls and the FileUpload within the UpdatePanel, but with the full postback Trigger)://Some omitted unimportant lines<script runat='server'> //Som.
FileUpload.HasFile always says false
Why is my FileUpload control doesn't contain any file? Below are my code: 1 <asp:FormView runat='server' DataKeyNames='fileID' 2 DataSourceID='sqlFileUpload' Width='510px' 3 ondatabound='fmvFileUpload_DataBound' 4 oniteminserting='fmvFileUpload_ItemInserting' 5 onitemupdating='fmvFileUpload_ItemUpdating'> 6 <InsertItemTemplate> 7 <table cellpadding='0' .
Fileupload1.Hasfile returns always false
Hi,I have a fileupload control. And Fileupload1.Hasfile returns always False.I am not using AJAX. Can anybody tell me what is the reason. You are not uploadng file using Browse hi pls post ur code.Regards,M.VenkatesanMy Blog : http://venkat-dotnetsamples.blogspot.comPlease remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you,and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. If Not (FileUpload1.HasFile) Then Label1.Text = 'Please select file' End If Dim str As String = FileUpload1.FileName Dim ext As String = Path.G.
FileUpload.HasFile is always false #2
This has been driving me crazy the last couple of hours. I've tried everything that I can think of, but for some reason it's just not working. I've used FileUpload controls hundreds of times on dozens of other sites, but for some reason that I can't figure it, it's just not working for me on this site.I have a simple ASPX page with a FORM, FileUpload, and a BUTTON control. There are no UpdatePanel controls on the page, no AJAX, nothing fancy. When I use FireBug, I can see the document in the POST (under All-Net-Item-Post) request, so I know the browser is submitted the do.
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FileUpload.HasFile is always False When Used with UpdatePanel
Hello,I got an interesting problem today. When FileUpload control is placed in an UpdatePanel, HasFile property is always false. It is not only the HasFile property which is false but also other attributes like file name and length are set to blanks and zeros.If the FileUpload control is pulled out of UpdatePanel, the problem is solved. Can anyone please tell me how to make FileUpload controls to work with UpdatePanels? Cheers,Gopi Gopinath MDo you know your blog/web site page rank? Check Google Page Rank Now The FileUpload control doesn't work with an asynchronous post.
FileUpload.HasFile returns False When Page is Loaded
Hello Everyone I am facing a problem that FileUpload.HasFile returns False when the page is loaded but second time it says true.Why?.Related Code is given below :- This is my Source Code <form runat='server'> <ajax:ScriptManager runat='server' EnablePartialRendering='true'> </ajax:ScriptManager> <ajax:UpdateProgress runat='server' AssociatedUpdatePanelID='uppnlNewClientJob'> <ProgressTemplate> <img src='images/ajax-loader.gif' alt='Loading' /> Updating. </ProgressTe.
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