Cluster Up Is Broken On Linuxkit Based Docker For Mac

The Kafka Manager allows you to control the Kafka cluster from a single WebUI. Populate Kakfa. To populate Kafka, provision a golang-based container, which sends a couple of messages. $ docker run -t -rm -network kafka-net qnib/golang-kafka-producer:2018-05-01.5 5 Delivered message to test0@0.

BasedFor those interested in security in particular, we've outlined the opinions and design decisions here:

In short:

Kernel Security Incubator - We want to push linux kernel security as much as possible. In service of that, we want linuxkit to be a place where leading-edge linux kernel security patches can land and incubate. Feature examples are Landlock, Wiregurd, okernel, etc. We'll also incubate KSPP and container hardening improvements, like hardening the kernel eBPF JIT and namespacing the IMA subsystem.

Modern and Securely Configured Kernels - Latest kernel, following all KSPP recommendations.

Minimal Base - No extra dependences, just what's needed to run containerd. Absolutely no package manager.

Type Safe, Containerized System Daemons - many linux privescs happen due to escalations using root system daemons. These daemons should be written in typesafe language like OCaml and Rust. We have an Ocaml dchpcd and look to invite more. If you're convinced by, linuxkit is a place to contribute to the solution. Call of duty graphics mod.

Built With Hardened Toolchains and Containers - uses notary signing for all dependencies and intermediate builds, uses musl libc for hardened libc implementation + hardened compiler options for building system packages.

Immutable Infrastructure - Linuxkit follows the principle of immutable infrasructure. The filesystem contains a read-only root FS and boots with dm-verity. Trusted boot via infrakit + notary hash lookup is a next step.

All in all, this multi-pronged approach should lead to a much more secure linux base. As is our tradition, we will track progress here:, where we'll catalog Linux CVEs and how LinuxKit holds up.