Poker Charts Odds

Example drawing toOutsMake on turnMake on riverMake on turn or river
Inside straight flush;
Four of a kind
Open-ended straight flush;
Three of a kind
High pair30.063814.7-10.065214.3-10.12497.01-1
Inside straight;
Full house
Three of a kind or two pair50.10648.40-10.10878.20-10.20353.91-1
Either pair60.12776.83-10.13046.67-10.24143.14-1
Full house or four of a kind; (see note)
Inside straight or high pair
Open-ended straight80.17024.88-10.17394.75-10.31452.18-1
Inside straight or pair100.21283.70-10.21743.60-10.38391.60-1
Open-ended straight or high pair110.23403.27-10.23913.18-10.41721.40-1
Inside straight or flush;
Flush or high pair
Open-ended straight or pair140.29792.36-10.30432.29-10.51160.955-1
Open-ended straight or flush;
Flush or pair; Inside straight,
flush or high pair
Inside straight or flush or pair;
Open-ended straight, flush or high pair
Open-ended straight, flush or pair210.44681.24-10.45651.19-10.69940.430-1

This grid compares the strength of a particular Texas hold'em hand (in this case ) against all other hands. Each square represents a pair of opponent cards, and the color represents the relative strength of these two hands — the redder the square, the more likely the opponent hand is to win. These probabilities were computed by enumerating all ≈1.3 trillion hands of heads-up Texas hold'em.


Calculating Poker Odds for Dummies - A FREE, #1 guide to mastering odds. How to quickly count outs to judge the value & chance of winning a hand in 2020.

Navigating the Grid

Opponent pair cards are organized along the main diagonal, in a band of 4x4 boxes. Opponent suited cards lie along other diagonals. Johnson lower unit compatibility. The dark squares correspond to impossible hands, where a card is duplicated.


If you are holding a pair, an opponent holding any higher pair has essentially the same advantage over you, regardless of the rank of the pair. In fact, compared to (say) a pair of 6s, a pair of 7s is slightly better than a pair of Aces.

While a pair of Aces is the strongest hand averaged over all opponent hands, the single strongest heads-up face-off is a pair of Kings vs a K+2 offsuit.