League Of Legends Pathc

The notes for the next League of Legends patch are out, and with those come the details of what Riot Games plans on doing with nearly 20 different champions whether that means buffs or nerfs. For at least seven of those champions, players will find that they might be more viable in the jungle once Patch 10.4 releases. Riot previously expressed interest in helping some non-jungle champs see more play there, and this patch has done just that by buffing various abilities to deal more damage to monsters.

We have been made aware today of several extremely concerning messages sent by a contractor associated with our League of Legends team. These messages were sent in 2017 and 2018, prior to his association with Fnatic. We have immediately severed all ties with this individual. Here’s a preview of the upcoming League of Legends update, Patch 10.8. The preview includes all of the projected changes and a breakdown of their impact. Patch 10.8 is just one week away from hitting League of Legends live servers, so we’ve been given a sneak peek of what’s to come from the balance team.

The seven champions Riot chose to buff in the jungle are Darius, Diana, Garen, Gnar, Mordekaiser, Talon, and Zed. Five of those were listed in the previous discussions from Riot’s end about buffing potential jungle picks to work better in that role in lower ranks while Gnar and Mordekaiser are new to the list. Each of them have one thing in common though: They’ll be clearing the jungle much faster, and some of them will be staying even healthier while they’re doing it.

“One trend we've seen over the years is that new and low-MMR players pick jungle at a much lower rate than other positions—even when it's stronger than those other positions,” Riot said. “For 10.4, we're approaching this problem by giving some popular champs at these skill levels better tools to jungle with, especially also because jungle has an arguably smaller champion pool than other positions. While players here will still have to contend with the learning curve of jungle as a position, they won't have to learn to play a new champion as well. All the changes below are to ability effectiveness against monsters to avoid accidental impacts to lane strength.

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Full details for each of the latest champion buffs applied to these seven champions can be found below courtesy of the official patch notes.


Jungle Champions

  • Darius
    • PASSIVE - HEMORRHAGE DAMAGE: Now deals 120% damage to all monsters
    • Q - DECIMATE HEAL: Now heals from large monsters
  • Diana
    • PASSIVE - MOONSILVER BLADE DAMAGE: Increased by 150% on non-Epic monsters
  • Garen
    • E - JUDGMENT DAMAGE: Now deals 150% damage to non-Epic monsters
  • Gnar
    • W - HYPER BASE MAXIMUM BONUS DAMAGE TO MONSTERS: 100/150/200/250/300 ⇒ 300 at all levels
  • Mordekaiser
    • PASSIVE - DARKNESS RISE MAXIMUM DAMAGE TO MONSTERS: 15-100 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 25-120 (levels 1-18)
  • Talon
    • PASSIVE - BLADE'S END MONSTER DAMAGE: Abilities now wound all monsters for 120% damage
  • Zed
    • PASSIVE - CONTEMPT FOR THE WEAK DAMAGE: Increased by 100% against monsters
    • PASSIVE - CONTEMPT FOR THE WEAK MAXIMUM DAMAGE TO MONSTERS: 120/240/360 (levels 1, 7, 17) ⇒ 200/350/500 (levels 1, 7, 17)

League of Legends’ Patch 10.4 is scheduled to release on February 20th, a day later than normal because of the holidays this week. Fsx dash 8 q400 freeware.

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The League of Legends’ patch 10.9 is live on PBE, scheduled for on April 29. Riot Games has announced that the development team has actively been working and reworking on some oldfangled champions. The upcoming patch will also address the aiding of Top Laners to get back in shape by adding an extra buff.

The highly anticipated FunPlus Phoenix League of Legends Worlds Championship 2019 skins will hit the servers on patch 10.9. FPX players picked Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Vayne and Thresh to have a fresh new look and they will be available for 1350 Riot Points each.

Buffs and Nerfs

The Riot Games development team has decided to bring back champions like Gnar, Lissandra, and Quinn, as well as making adjustments to the infamous Wukong rework. Riot has announced that for the year of 2020, the development team would focus on reworking Volibear, Diana, and Fiddlesticks, on top of Wukong.


Bringing back the cutest Yordle and no, there is no room for discussion here, Riot has buffed Mega Gnar’s damage in hopes the champion will have a better performance in extended brawls. Boulder Toss (Q)’s boulder pickup cooldown has been increased from 60% to 70% and Crunch (E) has received a damage buff.


Bard has had its roaming prowess reduced, bringing down the champion’s utility, as Caretaker’s Shrine (W) has had a reduction in movement speed to 30% on top of a decay of 1.5 seconds, with an increase in its cooldown from 12 to 14 seconds. Magical Journey (E) has had an increase in cooldown time as well, to 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 seconds.


Deemed too powerful at first, players slowly started to learn how the new Wukong kit works, the developers have still seen a need to nerf his base armor from 34 to 31, Crushing Blow’s (Q) damage and Warrior Trickster (W) has had a decrease in the clone damage.


Developers have nerfed the beefy healer, or should we say, fishy healer? The champion’s base stats have been reduced to 475 health and 365 mana, with her passive, Surging Tides’ movement speed nerfed from 60 to 45.


With positional flexibility in mind, Riot has buffed Kayn’s minion damage on Reaping Slash (Q), where the bonus damage against monsters is also applied to minions, with a decreased cooldown. Blade’s Reach has had its decay increased from 70% to 90%.

Champions that have received minor buffs and nerfs include Cho’Gath, with later damage, increased on Vorpal Spikes (E), Fiddlesticks with a late stage damage buff on Reap (E), and Karthus with a nerf on movement speed. Lissandra’s Ice Shard (Q) has had a cooldown decrease, Quinn has had a duration increase in Blinding Assault (Q), and Trundle had its Subjugate (R).

If you are looking for the complete patch notes, featuring bug fixes and Aram balancing, you can find them here. For more League of Legends and LoL Esports articles, news and interviews, check out our official page.