Mu Online Main Season 4

As i promised to all MU fanatics and followers of this guide. Ill give the Illustrated Guide of MU Season 4 Soceting System. So here it is.

Greetings Mutizens,
Thank you very much for your supports in MU Online.

Since the last Season 4 update we’ve been doing our best to provide stable service and this year we would like to bring more content and faster updates to thank all of you.

Emotions osho pdf free download. The first update this year is Season 4.5 update and it will be open right after the maintenance on the 24th.

Mu Online Main Season 4

We are preparing the update file at the moment and for smoother connection the file will become available on the day of opening.
We will post a notice as soon as Season 4.5 patch file is up and can be downloaded.

<Season 4.5 Guide Page>
Please click below link to go to find out more about two major in-game update- NPC Moss and Vulcanus map.

Thanks much and enjoy!
MU Support Team